22-29.11.02 Our works (Sick Doll/Doll's Burial, La boite a musique 1, The Symmetrical Jukebox) will be presented at Pixxelpoint 2002, International Computer Art Festival, Nova Gorica, Slovenia
The jury of Pixxelpoint 2002 decided to award the first prize to our work Sick Doll / Doll Burial... "Compositional congruity and idea, counter point and the innovative use of the computer-sound capabilities are criteria that the jury has set in assessing works in this category. The award has been conferred for the sensible wholeness of the work. Throughout the piece, the author has managed to create a specific atmosphere and arouse interest. He is a master of complex rhythmics. He selects the sound thoughtfully and layers them into an imaginary music space. Combined as a whole, these qualities indicate a specific personal style and creative approach. What he achieves is a quality necessary to call sounds and rhythms music..."
Тэги записи: installations and other projects, kunstkamera: awards, kunstkamera: concerts